
Finally posted a new update for Sang's Dilemma. Sorry it took so long!


I just wanted to say thank you for TOT it was amazing! While i do wish you would update, because i really want to know where the story goes, i do understand life getting in the way. Muses get lost. Things happen and we have tp figure out what is really important. 
          I guess i really just wanted to say, when you are ready to continue the story i am willing to read. I look forward to seeing​ more of your works in the (hopefully near) future. 


New update for TOT is live!


It's called Precursor by AJ Anders.  It's avaialble on Amazon, B&N, Ibooks, and all other major book retailers. If you read it, let me know what you think! There are two books out in the series so far.


@Allninearemine  Thanks for letting me know ! Where can I find the published version and under what name and author ? 


@queen_bee2727  Yes, I had to take it down since I published it as an original story. I'm sorry!