Hello! And welcome to my corner of the Internet, my name is Ally :)

This account was given to me by a good friend Nick, as he knew I wanted to start writing however did not have a wattpad account. He said he did not use his anymore and here I am!

Please inbox me if you're reading this, as I'm super friendly.

My interests are mostly music, and to generalize further I enjoy the post-hardcore (emo trash) genre as apposed to pop or rap. However that isn't to say I can't enjoy some mainstream music, for example a lot of people with my music taste will claim to hate One Direction, and where I'm not a fan I enjoy their songs Moments and More Than (Then?) This.

Some random facts about me are:
I dislike people misspelling you're/your
I enjoy grammar, however due to autocorrect I often make mistakes
I'm enjoy poetry
I sing
I binge watch TV series like its my job
I talk with a rather posh accent and talk rather articulately in person, as I aspire to be like Milo Yiannopoulos
I try to be a gamer but happen to be unable to have any skill at games
I have been through more then the average bear in my life so please, if you have any problems and need somebody to vent to, come to me, even if we've never spoken as I love to help people.
I'm a part of many fandoms (phandoms) and will happily discuss them
I'm boring and that's about all there is to know about me, so please message me about yourself!

Also I would like to give a disclaimer that Ally is actually my middle name, not my proper name. I just chose that for safety purposes. Carter is also not my real name, but another of my online names. Both Ally and Carter are named I get called in real life by some people, so they're not completely fake :)

Kisses xx :)
  • Australia, the country in which we ride kangaroos instead of driving cars
  • JoinedApril 26, 2014
