
Let's all be Happy. 


Why would you remove your stories? 


@NeKhBh there's still 5 revelations for LAFB the guides for the drafts and how it will go was adventurous but it takes really time and effort to put.  Even though I wanted to finish but I  still need to be inspired by the characters. I try to check on them but it's not giving me the urge to continue. If you look closely where I stop is from Taynew. Then singto go to religious rights. Maybe I do some spin offs, but I can't pursue the partners romantically.  How to describe it. I create a story based on what they are giving energy to the fans but I cannot feed delusions more for what they rendered as fan service in real


@NeKhBh I understand how you feel. To be honest your books were and still are my favorite reads. For me it doesn't matter if they are together in real life or not and I know you would also agree that the real characters are no way close to the awesome image in your books. I read them as how you describe them and not how they are in real life. I know I am rambling 
            On a serious note if you don't mind sharing your books with me as I really want to know how those stories end. Please 


Happy New Year Everyone! Got new Stories hope you enjoy reading it. 
          Thank you for 2022 and excited for 2023! 


@NeKhBh Happy New year to you dear! Luck and Love for 2023 for you and your loveones. ♥️


@Alpha_TierXen Happy New Year dear... Wish all your dreams come true