
Hey are u ok u haven't been online for like weeks now and it's just not like u are u ok, u know we're all here for u well best to speak to Ben if u have something u want help with but just know I'm here for u if u need me as a friend changing how I act and talk was the best thing I ever did and to start with this new change I want u guys to know I'm here for u sure u won't want to talk to me from how I've acted in the past but I'm always here if u need someone to talk to as a friend again just to clarify that.


Hey if u were to ever start writing books again I'll say in my books to come check out your profile and books to help your books grow just want to help and I know it's weird me wanting to help but I'm just doing it to help your profile grow and I want to be a good friend and you never know this could lead to something far greater then you could imagine like their has been some good things that have happened to me on here that I would have never thought possible and I might as well share some of the good stuff with you since you've helped me and I ou guys for helping me so to start I want to help your profile grow where possible