
The Rise of the Red Queen has the first few chapters up. Continue Amity's story into the mafia world.


          ( •_•)
          / >❤ Thank you so much if you've added my book to your reading list. Given me your support by voting or leaving comments. Or if you have started following me. It means the world to me. I hope you enjoy or have enjoyed my books 
          DARK Story list;
          RH; #OneOfAKind- Complete #OneOfAKind2- Complete #OneOfAKind3- Complete. Series finished.
          Same story as above, but FanFic, and a little different, currently under edit. 
          RH; #OneOfAKind- BTS- On Going- On hold. #OneOfAKind2- BTS- Coming soon #OneOfAKind3- BTS- Coming soon
          RH; #MyAlphaKing- Complete  #MyWitchKing2- Complete #MyDragonKing3- Complete. Series finished.
           #MyDirtySinner- On going- Currently updating and editing.
          RH; #PersuadedToSyn- On going- on hold for now.
          NOT DARK story list;
          LGBT/RH; #The Fire's Within- Teaser Chapter's Available - Coming soon.
           #MaidenSelection- Complete  #MaidenSelection2- On going- on hold.
          LGBT/RH; #The Diamond Queen} Seven Realms Series- Teaser 
           #Another 3 books in the works - Coming soon.


Hi… is there going to be a Second book to The hair to two and when.. I would love to read it.. I loved the book 


@Michellebuddy36 a spin off from both stories is now posted.


@Michellebuddy36 Yes there will be a second book. It is called The Rise of the Red Queen. I am working on writing it now.


Dear reader,
          Thank you for adding my book "Love Us, Master|18+" to your reading list. ❤️
          Warning - This book contains steamy, erotic sex scenes, strong language and other mature themes. I do not advise anyone under 18+ to read this book. If you still going to then please give this link a read then take your decision. (I am not encouraging those under 18 to read it but I know some just ignore warnings, so I just want you guys to genuinely give thought to things I said in the linked post.)

          I hope you like it. Feel free to vote, comment & follow as well if you'd like to. 
          Happy reading!


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️