
I'm....leaving wattpad. I don't want to... but I need to. I love all you guys. Heck, I'm getting teary eyed right now. I'm gonna miss you all so much.
          	I'm gonna miss Crazyakz. I'm gonna miss Ball. I'm gonna miss it all.
          	I love you guys so much.
          	I'll...see you around.
          	My stories are forever unfinished. Although, I did get to finish one. Though it was absolutely horrible xD
          	I had was a good run. But it's over now...


@Alzakz This has to be my fault...I shouldn´t have ever tried to be Jason


@Alzakz We still miss you, come again.


It's been a while, Kayla. How have you been? Do you still remember me? It's me, Melody. I have made a lot of changes over the past years, but I couldn't forget about you.
          If you are reading this, I hope you are doing well over there because I miss you dearly. My very first friend on DeviantArt... I will always remember you, no matter what. Even if things can change, I miss you, Kayla. Hope to chat with you again. 


Hey there, Kayla...
          Umm... I hope you remember me, right? Melody from DeviantArt? Yeah, a lot has changed since you left the community. I miss you, a whole lot. There are a lot of changes into my life, like making this big series I am working on my account and really getting my creativity together. If you are still there, hope we can talk to each other again? Miss you a whole lot...
          Your good friend,


Dear Al,
          A lot has changed. I've disappeared mostly too, (as you can see by the fact that I'm on a side account) but I'm still trying to be online. Anyways, I hope life is good for you. It's been a year, and 2018 is a mess. Don't forget about us, Al!
          -Kit/Ash, a loyal friend and parent


Hey, Al! It's September now, I can barely believe it. Pretty soon, it'll have been a year since you left. I'm still really sad that you left, but I hold to the belief that someday you will come back. Fluffy came back, even though some people told me to give up on her. Oh, Alister left, she had something family related I think... anyways, we all really miss you, and I hope that you haven't forgotten about us.


Wow... it's school again. I can't believe that you're still gone. A lot of people have given up in you, they say you won't be back. I have some hope. Even if you don't, at least I'll have tried, right? Anyways, I miss you, and I hope you haven't forgotten us.