
I'm sorry for no chapter this week, I've been having some major health issues. Will be posting next week! 


Hi everyone! 
          You may have noticed that I have taken down A Gentle Echo. The reason being is that I want to better revise and write the chapters I have written already, as well as make a more captivating blurb/summary. Once I have done that, and written at the very least three full chapters to get posted, I will republish. Thank you for the patience and I hope you all had Happy Holidays and I will see you again soon! ❤❤❤ Lots of love and I am proud of you all! 


Hi everyone, 
          First of all, I'd like to apologize for my extended absence (again). Things have been pretty rough. I'm still planning on writing my echo/undertale fan fiction, and perhaps work Hellsing as well, but I need to reread and see where I'm at. I hope you all have Happy Holidays and I will hopefully be more active soon. Thanks for putting up with me ❤


Good morning/evening/afternoon everyone! I know it's been absolutely FOREVER since I've made progress on... Well anything on here. I want to apologize for that. Things got crazy. I became a mom of a very active little boy, we lost a couple of close members of our family, and I've simply been trying to figure out how to juggle everything so that I can keep doing what I love to do while also taking care of my family as I need to. 
          But enough excuses. I've come to tell you all that I plan on being much more active. I have a couple plans for new stories, and I hope to continue my Hellsing fan fiction (though I can't make any promises... I'll do my best, since a lot of you seem to enjoy it). I am planning on an Echotale (Undertale AU) fan fiction and an original story based on a roleplay between myself and a friend from Amino. There are other original story ideas, however I want to see how the first one goes before posting my other stories. 
          I want to thank you all for being so patient and sticking with me through the long silence. I will make it worth your while, but please understand that if I do go silent again, it's because of personal reasons (mainly taking care of my family). You're all amazing, and I can't wait to share my stories with you! 


this message may be offensive
That freaking moment where you're far into a chapter and find out you've fucked up royally because you're trying to follow the anime/manga storyline and you did it HORRIBLY WRONG!!! Ugh... So I've decided instead of following the anime storyline, I'm gonna follow the manga story. It'll be easier for me to follow the storyline correctly while adding my character in it as well. Therefore, I think it's already obvious but I DO NOT OWN HELLSING OR ITS CHARACTERS. THE ONLY CHARACTERS I OWN ARE YUKI, JOSHUA, AND AEDAN. (and other oc's when I decide to bring more.)