
Miss being a kid with no worries


@Amandaknowsnothing I know, people are always judging, like I just want to be myself 


@h3arts4ronanc3 yes exactly. Like everything is sexualized now a days. And I’m like scared to walk with a skirt bc I feel like everyone is sexualizing me or making fun of me. 


And when you could say stuff without it being weird or nasty, like I can’t even call my father what I want to people just go “hahah weirdo” or “that’s what she said” like cmon I wanna be a kid again 


yo this is like 4 months late lmao but you asked me in july if riverdale was worth watching past s4. in my opinion yes. i love the show dearly, it holds a place in my heart. people say that the storylines get unrealistic and dumb but that's the point, riverdale is supposed to be campy. also i might just be biased bc i loved cheryl and toni together, but they have a really wonderful ending and the entire season 7 is my favourite out of everything so i say give it a shot. around s5-6 u might be disheartened but i promise its all worth it in the end.


I started watching Riverdale with my friend back in sixth grade and we watched it every Thursday together so it holds a very special place in my heart as well.
            But I grew up and well, I got bored of the show ig. The story line took a big big change from s.4-5 imo. But I’ll definitely give it a new try.
            I’m probably going to start from s.4 though because I know s.1-3 like the back of my hand (lol).
            And I think that Riverdale having multiple gay characters helped me accept myself a lot. And it helped me find my sexuality. So it has had a big impact on my life.
            Thanks a lot x


Miss being a kid with no worries


@Amandaknowsnothing I know, people are always judging, like I just want to be myself 


@h3arts4ronanc3 yes exactly. Like everything is sexualized now a days. And I’m like scared to walk with a skirt bc I feel like everyone is sexualizing me or making fun of me. 


And when you could say stuff without it being weird or nasty, like I can’t even call my father what I want to people just go “hahah weirdo” or “that’s what she said” like cmon I wanna be a kid again 


My Wattpad is broken


@hrts4ronance YEAH IT WAS SO WEIRD. I was scared that all the stuff I had been writing was going to disappear but thankfully it didn’t 


@Amandaknowsnothing MINE WAS TOO! LIKE BRO- WHY??