
Hi other account, see if you can post this for the scp rp
          Item number: 100
          Name: 'Dex' or 'The Prince of Poison' 
          Gender: male
          Object class: Thaumiel 
          Species: Demon
          Found at: Chernobyl after the nuclear plant exploded
          Abilities: Can produce all types of acid, poisons and venom. He can fly with his insect-like wings, is immortal 
          Weakness: Wings are incredibly fragile and he cannot stand the colour yellow. 
          Special containment procedures:Kepy in a room with green walls and a bed in one corner. No yellow things are allowed in his room and he is not allowed to visit any places with any signs of yellow. Three guards with level 4 clearance has to be present when he is on a patrol.
          Can speak and is chatty.
          Voice: Low with a Russian accent. Can speak 10 languages fluently.
          Personality: Extremely chatty, will not hesitate to throw you through a wall if you insult him, the colour green or sprite. In the event of a containment breach he will quickly and efficiently recapture other scps. Sometimes gets lost in bloodlust and will revert back to normal if you give him 3 litres of sprite.
          Is surprisingly innocent. 
          Crush: "Crush? Why would I need to crush someone?"
          Likes: American politics, sprite, the colour green, bacon, Dr Bright, Russian nesting dolls and horror movies
          Dislikes: the colour yellow, scp 173, Dr Clef, cola


Description: A humanoid of 6'11 height with pitch black hair with a neon green streak in it. Pale skin that has black cracks running through it. His eyes are neon green with a black nuclear symbol for pupils. He normally wears a dark military style uniform with black combat boots. Has insect like wings that are tinged green. He has a tail (black) and a pair of green horns.
            Background: He is familiar with many scps having met them before they were captured. He has met the Scarlet King and the Gate Guardian giving surprisingly great reviews about them. He was created around the time of the Roman empire and has provided information in great detail about major events in human history. 