
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, readers, writers, and fellow GT fans! Enjoy the festivities and I wish everyone a Happy New Year! 
          	ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ - ACR


Hello, I don’t leave comments often but I feel like I must tell you that I see a lot of potential in your writing. You have avoided using cliche plots so far and have created stories that I want to read more of. The characters you create are quite good and you flesh them out very well, nothings to in your face which is a common mistake by authors that you have avoided. I really hope you continue to write ( especially that one story in your oneshots with Mia)


@okminer07 Hi Sorry for the late response! As you can note, I'm not on as often and am a slow uploader! But thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful comment! And I really appreciate the feedback! I hope you can see some realism even if it's fiction! I'm working on more, and am trying to stick to a schedule but I don't see that happening anytime soon be on the lookout for updates as they come!! 
            Take care and happy holidays!!  o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ


Hello! So in a rare occurrence since I've started writing "How Little You Care", I've managed to post another chapter within a decent time frame (you can thank my cold for that). 
          I know this is just a hobby and all, but recently I went back and re-read what I've posted and come to the conclusion that I feel, is kinda 'boring'. I think I fell into the 'info dump' trap and added stuff where it didn't call for it.
          I have the next chapter about halfway done but will need a lot of editing before I post it - so stay tuned. 
          But what do you think? Is it paced too slowly? Are the characters just bland and boring? Is Rachel just pissing you off? (lol)
          But seriously, I welcome any feedback from my wonderful readers! You guy's comments give my story life!


@AtomicJelly  OMG thank you for your interest!  But please take your time! As you can see, I hop on when I can and hopefully, it's to post this story or the current one I'm working on or read a chapter of all the wonderful GT stories I'm missing out. Lookin' forward to hearing your feedback, hon. 


@Amil-CheriRevel I've just arrived, so I haven't started reading yet but I enjoy stories with decent information, not only g/t empty scenarios. I'll start reading it soon then I'll come back with more detailed feedback!


@Coffeh04 Dude thanks for the feedback!  This helps a ton and it puts a smile knowing that you enjoy it!! 


Ah, life why do you curse me with writer's block with one story, to then start another one???? Sigh. Whelp. That's just what happened with "Have You Seen Her."
          I DID start with another story and I have a few chapters lined up and ready to go. I  had posted it on my DeviantArt account some time ago, but after looking it over, the GT community seemed pretty dead. So , I'll try here. I should be posting it soon (bout a week). But first I need a cover and a good title. :-)
          Stay tuned!! 
          - ACR