
Here it is! Please give it a read and don’t forget to like and comment! 


Hey guys!! I’m back and I’m reposting my book “The Lost Moon Child”. It’s a little different than it’s draft “The Moon Child” with some new twists and surprises! Give it a read and let me know what you think! Thanks! Love ya! 


Hi, I loved your books - I started the moon child but also I begged you.
          I'm new to Wattpad, and I was wondering if you could take a look at my book - the Kingdom of Obsidian - and let me know what you think; it would mean a lot to me, especially as you are so good with words when it comes to writing! 


@Mason_Skye Absolutely!!! I appreciatr your kind words so so much that it would only give me the greatest pleasure!! 


Hey guys! So I posted the beginning of a story I've wanted to start writing for a while. Please give it a read and let me know what you think. I'm not entirely sure if I will continue it or not. Really, it's in your hands. If I get enough positive feedback and people wanting to see what happens to Jake then I'll continue it. The Moon Child will remain my top priority, regardless. Thanks everyone!! Have a good day!


Hello everyone! I hate to say this but I will likely be unable to update this week. I'm getting my much needed vacation FINALLY and am hardly on my phone at all. I'll make it up to you, promise! Love you all!
          ~Amy ❤