
Thanks for the follow love! Check out my books if you're interested. I'd love to hear what you think. Xoxo 


@Amysh02 aww! Thank you!! That makes me so happy to hear! Enjoy KID, it's a totally different kind of ride ❤❤❤


@jesciehall the pleasure is all mine.i love your writing❤i finished hawke in  two dayswhile i was doing my CPA exams...that's how hooked i was...just started kid...and I'm not sure who i love more btwn hawke and kid...all in all ...i love you for your writing❤


Thanks for the follow and for voting and commenting on my story simply irresistible. Hope you enjoy it❤️


@Amysh02 thank you for reading and those kind words ❤️


@authormarlynlove it's a really nice book...i find myself lucky i stumbled upon it. thank YOU for the beautifully written piece:)❤ 


Hey Amish, its me Tracy. My cofounder and I are hosting an award in our community @OriginalsGrandeur_C. The community is called the Originals Grandeur community and the award is called the Originals Grandeur Awards. If you're wondering what happened to my previous account, I forgot the password and email so I had to create a new one. 
          Anyway, this award targets both readers and writers. Its still pretty new and were looking for judges and ambassadors to help us reach out to more people. You can participate too or be an ambassador. Of course all these people will be paid for their services. Please please manzee tusaidie, help us find more people to participate.
          You can put the book in your public reading list and tag all your friends in the first chapter of the book so that more will get to know about it. If you want more followers, I suggest you be a judge or an ambassador.
          See you there.
          Here's the link


            Hi,okay i'll try and do my best.yk im your loyal fan❤.


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️