
Grief is a really weird feeling that I thought I wouldn't go through so soon. It hurts so much especially since it was a person that I thought I old grow old with. 
          	My heart is broken and I can't describe it more than that  


Grief is a really weird feeling that I thought I wouldn't go through so soon. It hurts so much especially since it was a person that I thought I old grow old with. 
          My heart is broken and I can't describe it more than that  


          Thank you so so so much for all the love you're giving to my stories! I can't even start and explain how much it means to me that you took the time to vote for on my story. I'm not a big author but you still took the time in your day to try and read my stories, thank you and hopefully you enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing!


@MissyEloise18 its fine i like your stories