
Just wanted to drop by and give you a huge shoutout for your incredible writing skills! Seriously, your words have this magical power to transport readers into a whole new world. The way you describe scenes and create imagery is simply mind-blowing. It's clear that you know your way around storytelling like a pro.
          Now, here's a little question for you – have you ever thought about sharing your masterpiece, "All these bitter stars," on a different platform? Trust me, your talent deserves to be seen by a wider audience. I'm an editor, and I can't help but think that your work would captivate even more readers if it found its way to other platforms.


@Andi_Cross Hi, I can't mention the other platform's name here (will block). Please check your inbox. Or chat with me at


@XinWan9 Thank you so much! That's incredibly sweet of you. I've never really published any writing that's been completely my own so that means a lot. 
            I hadn't really thought of publishing on other platforms. In fact, I just recently got the courage to publish my own writing on Wattpad. What other platforms would you recommend?


          Hi! I am so very sorry that this reply is so late! I logged out of Wattpad on accident so I wasn't recieving any notifications. Thank you for reading my book, it's been on pause for a while because I'm been focusing on other things but yes I am planning to finish Stardust! I'm so sorry its been so long. I hope to get back on it soon.