Hey there! This is just my account to read your wonderful stories! 
So can you please read my fanfic that I just started ---------> my other account
the story is called "A wish come true" and yes it is a One Direction fanfic.
So please fan my other account and I promise to fan back!

A few things about me!

1. Red hair,with blue eyes
2. HUGE MIXER! <---------- (Little Mix)
3. Brat <--------- (Cher Lloyd)
4. If you haven't noticed I'm a Directioner!
5. Love food!
6. My dance has taken over my life! >_< (But I still love it!)
7. My favourite colour is Tiffany Blue <-------- (By Tiffany I mean The store Tiffany & Co.
8. Living life to the fullest!
10. I have a laptop named Tiffany which I'm using right now!
11. I have a cat name Serena! ( She's really fat!)

And thanks for checking my profile! Please go to my account 1D_are_my_kryptonite
PRETTY PLEASE!! AND READ MY FANFIC!!! -------> "A wish come true"
  • Toronto, Ontario
  • انضمJuly 1, 2012

2 قوائم قراءة