I'm a not so simple person from somewhere in America. I speak Italian and Greek and I've always wanted to go to Canada! I'm lover for literally everything except annoying people.
Talk to me if you need!

My name is ANEAO! Yes, my name is spoken in all caps :3
Most people just call me A for short. I have no idea why...

I have two dogs and a cat. The eldest dog is a Border Collie named Roman. He got a younger sister a few months after. It was a small little Charles Spaniel named Tiva.
And a few more months later, we got a Toyger cat named Chavie.
I don't know why I put this in...-_-
I like writing and reading. Mostly fan fictions of different people and such crap, but, I'll pretty much read and write anything. <3

I really don't have anything to say right now. I'll get back to you...
  • A place where my pets are people :4
  • JoinedDecember 9, 2015