
Update posted below on Furlong & Co.


Hi everyone.
          It’s been a while, and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
          Today I have decided to announce something I’ve been debating for a long time; however I’ve finally made my decision.
          I’m afraid that I will no longer be continuing Furlong & Co. Since the last update, I have been slowly beginning to lose interest in the story. It was becoming boring to write and I just don’t feel connected to it in the same way that I once was.
          These characters will, despite my decision, hold a special place in my heart. Who knows, I may decide to develop them more in the future. For now, though,  I have moved on to other things that make me extremely happy and I hope I can share these with you very soon.
          Thank you to everyone who read, commented and enjoyed F&C. I’m very sorry for this outcome, but I believe it to be the best thing to do.
          I wish you all a very happy new year,
          — Angawd


Hello all,
          I’m sorry to announce that there won’t be a new chapter of Furlong & Co today. I am currently very ill with a virus/suspected flu and thus have not been able to write. With luck, though, I hope to recover soon and may be able to post the chapter on either the 16th or the 24th.
          Thanks so much for understanding and I hope you all have a great day,
          - Angawd 


Hello everyone!
          Firstly, I wanted to say sorry again for not completing all the outstanding asks. I’m still extremely busy with schoolwork and GCSEs, and I’ve been devoting most of my time to both. I promise that your questions will be answered eventually, though! Thanks for being so patient.
          Secondly comes the biggest announcement. A few weeks ago I decided upon leaving the FNAF fandom. The games (bar the lore) and original animatronic characters just don’t interest me anymore, and I wish to move on.
          However, this absolutely does not mean that I am cancelling Fazbear & Co. The characters that I have personalised for the story are now very dear to me, and I am working on converting the small bits of the story that are still loosely related to FNAF to original fiction. The story, in mine and many others’ opinions, is so loosely related to the source material now that I would be better off making it into my own original universe. Most of you will have noticed the changes already starting to happen, primarily in the character’s names, and over time I have slowly been making design changes also. Additionally, I have renamed Fazbear & Co to Furlong & Co; this is how I will refer to it from now on.
          I may still end up reading others’ FNAF related stories and looking at art, however I do not wish for myself or my characters to be associated with it any longer. 
          Thank you all for understanding, and for the great times I’ve had on Wattpad so far. I hope to have many more!
          Wishing you the best day,
          - Angawd
          P.S: There is a short, upcoming scene from Furlong & Co that I have chosen to make into a 2 - 2:30 minute animated film for my Film Studies GCSE. I’m very excited to start it and share it with you!


Hi everyone!
          Merry Christmas from the UK! I hope you’re all having a great holiday so far.
          I just wanted to drop in a little update about my ask book. I’m aware that there’s still questions pending from various users, and I’m sorry that I haven’t gotten the chance to answer them all yet. I’ve been very busy over the past few weeks with my art project for school and various other things, but hopefully now that the holidays have come I’ll be able to answer them. Thank you all for asking the questions though, it really means a lot to me! I enjoy seeing how characters respond to your queries and I hope you do too.
          Here’s to a happy new year for all of you,
          - Angawd 


Hello readers!
          To celebrate the release of Fazbear & Co last week, another chapter will be released this Thursday. After that, it will update on the 8th of every month (apart from its anniversary, on which 2 chapters will be uploaded alongside bonus content). 
          You can check the progress of each chapter on my deviantART page, which is linked in my profile description.
          Thanks so much for all the reads, and to everyone who has added either of the two books to their reading lists,
          - Angawd