
Guys, I work hard to come up with these stories and I'm so grateful to have you guys read my story but it would mean a lot if you could start voting for my stories. So that I know you guys like them and would like for me to continue. Also I will be posting two chapters for Zodiac Truth or Dare. Since it is the holidays I will not be posting till after Christmas. I do appreciate each and every last one of you guys and will continue presenting you with more stories. Until next time love ya and Have a Merry Christmas!!!
          	Sincerely, Angel 


hello there, could help but see that you added my book to your list, so I came by to say thank you, this genuinely means a lot to me my fellow stranger on the internet, anyways, thank you for reading, I'm sorry if you got offended, and I hope you have a wonderful, day/night/evening/etc.
          - love mag


awww~ that's so sweet, thank you


@MAG20070812 Oh, don't thank me I just absolutely loved the book and couldn't help but add it to my list. Author to Author, I think you did a great job on the book and to keep it up. 


Guys, I work hard to come up with these stories and I'm so grateful to have you guys read my story but it would mean a lot if you could start voting for my stories. So that I know you guys like them and would like for me to continue. Also I will be posting two chapters for Zodiac Truth or Dare. Since it is the holidays I will not be posting till after Christmas. I do appreciate each and every last one of you guys and will continue presenting you with more stories. Until next time love ya and Have a Merry Christmas!!!
          Sincerely, Angel 


Haii bae! I just wanted to thank you for voting for TWD (and commenting some totally sweet things!) It means a lot and I hope you continue reading it! 
          ~ Lizzy 


@LizzyLoveAdair I'm sorry that I'm just now getting this message. I absolutely appreciate this and I will most definitely continue to support your books.❤️❤️❤️
            ~ Angel ❤️