
@robodiva7 Lmfaoooo heyyyyyyy thanks for the follow and for the comment on my wall, I already like you. so I followed you back and yes I think we can be awesome friends and no I'm not older then 18.


          I'm not here to advertise my book or anything like that. 
          I'm just here Caz i added your book to read.... then I saw your profile and it just made me dumbstruck.... loved how you actually viewed it. So then I started following you... on watt pad not real life- I aint that crazy. Anyways, then I saw your comments section and got a little disappointed. Instead of saying "thank you, I appreciate your your time to share an awesome story." People are advertised their " oh please read my story". Ugh! 
          Thanks for the amazing story  <3.     ^-^