
Hi everyone I've added a discord server, for anyone who wants to join. There isn't a lot of here. I am going to be posting chapter updates and content in the future.


Just came by to check in. I hope everything is going well and you're staying safe. :)


@Angelvahn if I had money then it'd be a more favorable situation as compared to now where I live in a country where supporting anything overseas is a mission and don't have a job


@tsotsonyadforlife hey just wanted to let you know there is a campaign on indiegogo to publish the first volume of Mystical Awakening Online. The first novel will be coming out eitherway, but if you want to get a signed copy, I hope you'll consider backing.


Hello everyone,
          I'm making progress with finishing the edits for the first volume of Mystical Awakening Online. I'm aiming to be done by next week. Then I can send my book to an editor and take my book to Iuniverse to be published. 
          As a side note, the artist who I am working with @artfaelart (who you can find on twitter ) had finished up every piece that will be included in the novel, I am also going to be working with Miss-Hena (who you can find on deviantart, again for the map of the event world.
          Lastly is that I am working on the special character chapters that will be in the published version of the novel. I will be writing chapters for three characters. Please tell me which characters you would like to see have these chapters written about. 
          Thank you for reading and DFTBA


I read your books and I enjoy them!! Keep up the work!!


@PandaPrecious thank you. I'm working on publishing the first volume of of Mystical Awakening Online, I hope that you'll read it. It will have a bunch of bonus content


          Everyone Vasyl here. I apologize about the lack of updates, life has kind of been getting in the way and something else that I'm happy to announce.
          I'm finally moving towards publication for Mystical Awakening Online: Shadow of the Pale Moon. I recently have more than enough money at the moment to get the book published.
          Right now I'm about 30% done with my own edits. Once I'm finished with my own I'll be looking for an editor. I'll see if I can use the same editor from my first book Immortal Presage.
          Also I will be turning Mystical Awakening Online in light novel. Right now I'm trying to find an artist who is willing to do art. 
          I would need:
          - A front and Back Cover design
          - character designs for five to eight characters
          - designs for monsters
          - design for a map of the story.
          - designs for story items
          - lastly story scenes
          In total it could be anywhere from 25 to 50 pieces of art. 
          If your interested in contributing I can start a Indiegogo page for it. But that all depends on how many people want to do so.
          Lastly once I start getting art I'll be starting a youtube channel surrounding the Mystic Archives and all the stories in Mystia and MAO.
          Anyways thanks for reading this and sticking with me. I'll be updating with more information as soon as I get something more concrete. 


Hey so I was wondering when you were going to update Vol 2 of MAO? I find this story quite addicting and because of the format I've found it kinder to myself to hoard multiple chapters then read them all at once. Alas, I've ran out. I understand if you're busy with.... life but I was just wondering


@tsotsonyadforlife I'm going to be working on it next week. 


          I want to reach out on about your mystical awakening story..
          The chapters are just too damn short..
          Portrays a visage of laziness...
          I know you’re maybe not being paid..
          But put a little bit of effort.. Really.


How can I get the book?


I’m totally down.
            The story is really cool tbh.
            Buh the shortness of the chapters just ain’t it for me..
            But it’s cool though.


@White_Mercury101 lol I get this all the time. This is a style of writing called a Cellphone Novel. The purpose is to make chapters that are 70-100 words sometimes up to 200 words. I am writing to the more extreme end of that spectrum. Though Cellphone novels are more so supposed to be poetic, though I'm not all that poetic. Thank you for reading anyway. I have another novel immortal presage if you would like to read that. I can give you a free copy of that if you would like. 