
WE DID IT! WE HIT IT! AT EXACTLY 7:49 WE HIT 300 FOLLOWERS! Another milestone in this little journey of my and right after updating my Avatar book! LET’S GO!!!!!
          	Thank you to all my followers and especially my recent one for making his happen… :)


@KingOfStories666 Thanks bruv, means a lot coming from a REALLY OG follower


WE DID IT! WE HIT IT! AT EXACTLY 7:49 WE HIT 300 FOLLOWERS! Another milestone in this little journey of my and right after updating my Avatar book! LET’S GO!!!!!
          Thank you to all my followers and especially my recent one for making his happen… :)


@KingOfStories666 Thanks bruv, means a lot coming from a REALLY OG follower


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Aight, good news, someone slapped me across the face and now I’m getting my shit together and getting to updating stories.  Hope y’all didn’t wait too long(Even though you did, sorry!)


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Brothers… My motivation is in the fucking drain, school has fucked me up… any ideas to help cope?


@AngltRen Watch “In Space With Markiplier” part 1 and part 2.


@darkcharmeleon09 Unless you willing to be my dealer, can’t see myself doing so


Okay, Two days ago my final day of school ended and yesterday I simply took some time off to relax, now I have more time to concentrate on my writing and updates for story’s I have to do because I have loads of stories I wanna create, so get ready because updates are soon to come, whether thats today, tomorrow, or somewhere hopefully not excelling another month.


@AngltRen Congrats on finishing school man.


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Okay so… I know I’ve been gone for a long ass amount of time, which is pretty unfair considering the amount of support I’m getting, I mean, I’m nearly at 300 followers and still haven’t posted an update in a while.  Well, that’s mostly because of a little torture thing schools put everyone through once a year… FINALS! Yep… and it’s been literal hell.  I’ve been experiencing burn out because of school and haven’t really had the energy nor motivation to sit my ass down and actually write a chapter.  Jeez, people with ADHD are probably looking down at me right now, but anyways, I’m updating now to tell that this week, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be my final three days of school(If you’re in somewhere other than America then dates might be different for you).  And so, because those are my final three days, that’ll mean I’ll have even more time to write chapters and actually start posting as frequently as I first started(If summer school, don’t hold me back because FUCK MATH!).  So just bear with me for right now as I’m attempting to rebuild the creativity school beat out of me this year and provide all my loyal supports the stories they desire.  Until next time, ¡Que Tienen un buen día!


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So… the Hazbin Hotel chapter if finally fucking finished and it’s currently… two in the morning… WELP! It was worth it because now that it has finally been completed, all other story projects are going back to being updated as regularly planned, so stay safe, thanks for staying by me despite my constantly changing and never lasting update schedule, and see you soon!!!


So… we’re all aware of the god forsaken show that God only let happen because he wasn’t allowed to interfere with humanity… I’m talking about the worst addition to animation shows Velma.  I myself have witnessed its horrors and anyone who has never seen or even heard of this show… I’m sorry I have spoke its name to you, but due yourself a favor and never EVER search for it.  The reason I’m bringing this show up is because I’m announcing a project, one the involves rewriting the entire show with my own plot, twists, mystery’s and jokes… I have seen no other person do such a thing and I intend to go through with my plan if now one else will.  Someone needs to fix what has been burned by the created of that show, and if no one else will do it… I will…
          Soon, because I still have stories to wrap up and I’m not gonna make you wait too long for a chapter that was supposed to come out… (especially since my Enid Sinclair story has big plans).


Alright, so after reviewing my three votes for my last announcement… it has been decided that the Hazbin Hotel Story will continue as it is(despite my bitter judgement), and I have decided on a way to fix all the flaws in my story.  The next chapter that’ll come out from the Hazbin hotel story will be the final chapter second to the Epilogue, and in that chapter it’ll probably be similar to a one-shot story with it being probably one of the largest chapters I’ve ever written in any story.  Until then chapter is released, all other story projects have been put on a temporary hold until I’ve finished, but will be expected to return to normal back to its original program.  So as Alastor once said in the Pilot “Stay tuned~”


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Brothers! I had an epiphany! But I need y’all’s  help to see if I should go through with it.
          For starters… my Hazbin Hotel book fucking sucks, I am not afraid to say it because it has numerous flaws I cannot stop thinking about and cannot stop feeling as if I failed in making the book at least readable as I desperately tried to fix what was left.  For this reason, I am giving two options for you all to choose from.
          A - Restart the story COMPLETELY while still maintaining it’s original plot point separate from the cannon story line, while simultaneously starting work on another Hazbin Hotel book that does follow the canonic story.
          B - Just complete the story and start writing the canonic Hazbin Hotel story when finished with what I have left(which is only two chapters).
          Both options still give a rewrite that follows the cannon story, but are both different and separate on whether I should stick to it or restart and hope for the best I don’t screw up again.  I’ve already made my personal opinion, but I want you guys to be my deciding factor as I’m currently at war in my own mind on what to do, so thank you, peace and stay safe brotha’s!


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For those who didn’t figure it out, my last message was an April Fools joke, and I’m not actually quitting, at least not until someone forcefully puts me in the ground.  So if you did fall for it, then sorry if I worried you or if I didn’t… well fuck me I guess.


@AngltRen here in Australia were a day ahead of most of the world, so you had me worried the first half