
Adalyn and I are just saying "Baka" non-stop um send help-


@Anime_weeb9000 hey... it's me... Rachel


I've lately been overworking myself with school, writing, trying to make people happy, and many other things. One thing I forgot to look at and see is how I was doing, how I was feeling, what my mental state was, and it's scary. Seeing how fast one can collapse in the hands of others. I'm trying to take days off but when I try to, I just break down. I'm almost falling asleep during all of my classes, I have to walk around campus all day, and not to mention the amount of homework my teachers assign. Yes it's tiring. Yes im a mess. But I push myself through all calls, all texts, but mostly it's all interaction. I push myself so much to the point where I can't eat. All foods have been making me sick. For example meat and milk have given me horrible stomach aches and making me want to curl up in a ball and just die. I'm tired of it all. I just want all the pain to go away. It's currently 00:06 am and I'm feeling really bad and my socal skills have gone out of the window I guess. I've been in horrible shape, and so worn out, my body won't let me fall asleep so that's gonna be fun, so yeah. I have so much stress falling on me right now it feels like weights on my shoulders, pushing me down into buring hot lava. I've been doing a bunch of sports and settled on volleyball as the libero (for my school team). Music really helps me when I don't know who to talk to about things. Yeah Adalyn is gonna be there for me no matter what and I know that, but I'm scared that I'm putting my struggles on her.
          Well yeah, I guess that's all I'm gonna say because I don't want to be waisting your time, cya.


@Anime_weeb9000 I'm here for you, girl


I would like to make two things VERY clear.
          Addie is not a real person (maybe somewhere but ya know) everything I post and do HERE ON WATTPAD and the instagram account I have made for this is all In character. (if that's even the right word ) But the reason I made this announcement is because I will reveal my real identity sooner or later (I'm making this too childish I swear ) 
          A few questions I will answer;
          No I am not 16
          No my real name isn't Addie
          Yes this is my first time writing a book so cut me some slack (just kidding-)
          Yes, do call me out on my mistakes and give me ideas that you would like to add into either of my books 
          No Adalyn (again not gonna reveal her real identity) and I aren't dating (we are just best friends) 
          That's about all I needed to clear up. Ser you next time! Bye bye!


Ah yes, I'm back. I now have a writing schedule- I will start writing on Monday and  Wednesday, then I will edit and revise on Friday and hopefully publish it on Sunday. !! Every once and awhile there will be things in the way of my schedule (Like school or family emergencies) !! That's all!!!!