
Just posted Chapter 13th of The Contract Bride. The authors note explains everything so please read it.


Is second to none ever going to be updated and turned into a whole story? I think you had something going but just stopped. I know it's been a long time since you thought about updating this story but I think it needs a chance to grow into something good.


ok guys so I'm in a bit of a rut. I've contemplated for a long time but I don't know how to continue on from this chapter.... that is why I ask you the readers of The Contract bride to offer up ideas on what you would like to see from our couple or the story in general. Pm me or comment here. Let's make this story, our story. I love you guys and thanks for your continuous support.


As of now Contract Bride is complete. Yes I am aware there are loose ends hence why I may continue it at a later date or write a sequel, you decide. Or I may just leave it as is and focus on my other story


hi everyone I know I haven't updated in a long time and I apologize I just felt I owed my loyal readers an explanation. I just have had a lot of things happen to me recently and my creativity is at an all time low. I honestly am not sure if I even want to continue contract bride and have contemplated on ending it there as a novella. Although I may return to continue it sometime in the future right now is just not a good time. Im very sorry to disappoint you all but I'll be away for a while to find my passion and inspiration for writing again. I truly appreciate you all but until further notice I wont be posting for a long time.