
I finally found an idea that was the appropriate length for #PlanetorPlastic. I just scraped it in with exactly 500 words! Thank you to @ea_carter and @_CherryQueen_ for providing the jumping off point for my ideas. Please check it out and tell me what you think.


Thank you @Lovely_Dystopias520 for the shout out. It means so much to me. Anyone looking to showcase their work, please check out this new author's list (I hope this link works): 



@Lovely_Dystopias520 Random is the right genre. You need to access the clubs via the community tab in the browser (you can't access it via the app). I have just looked, in the share my story area there is a link for random.


@AnitaKathleen maybe I should change the genre from random to...mystery lol thanks, oh, and I have no idea how to find the clubs


@Lovely_Dystopias520 I think it's great. I would suggest promoting it in the clubs but I couldn't tell you which one exactly. I don't know whether there is a share link in random. 


And it's done! 
          After 17 weeks of every moment of spare time (when I had the energy), I can finally say Mercy's Hope is concluded. If you haven't checked it out, I would greatly appreciate your feedback and support as I move into the editing phase.
          Thanks to those of you who have supported me along the way!
          Have a great weekend xxx


@AnitaKathleen congratulations on completing it!


Only three to four chapters left until Mercy's Hope is complete, and everything is coming together smoothly! If you are yet to start reading, now is the perfect time as I'd love some more feedback. 
          Thank you to those of you who have read Parts 1 and 2. I hope you enjoy the ending. It's been really fun being able to notch up the intensity in Part 3, it now just needs some readers!
          Hope you're having a great weekend.
          Happy reading!