
Hi friends! 
          	I just wanted to let you all know that I have decided to take down my story "A Gathering of Death in the Small Town of Purgatory", at least for the time being. 
          	Last month I put A Gathering on hold while I participated in camp nanowrimo where I worked on an different story. Near the end of Nanowrimo, I realized some things about A Gathering and have since decided to take it down so I can continue developing the story before I put it back up.
          	I apologize to anyone who's interest may have been piqued during the time that it was up.
          	But when I repost, I believe that the story will be better for it :)


Hi friends! 
          I just wanted to let you all know that I have decided to take down my story "A Gathering of Death in the Small Town of Purgatory", at least for the time being. 
          Last month I put A Gathering on hold while I participated in camp nanowrimo where I worked on an different story. Near the end of Nanowrimo, I realized some things about A Gathering and have since decided to take it down so I can continue developing the story before I put it back up.
          I apologize to anyone who's interest may have been piqued during the time that it was up.
          But when I repost, I believe that the story will be better for it :)


Hey, thank you so much for your votes! :) I appreciate it a lot hehe


@girlmoon21 Thanks for voting on my book! And btw, your bio is awesome.


I'm glad you enjoy it :) @AnnaRain1


@girlmoon21 hey, no problem! And thank you for sharing your poems :)