Hi my name is Lleylanna Stewart. I love to write fiction stories. I've been writing stories for most of my life started writing in middle school and been writing since then. I started writing different type of stories there were two about vampires, one about aliens, but never ever completed them. I was always in the middle of finishing them, but I did write another book, it's mostly like a series a total of four books. I don't just like to write books, but I also like to sing, play clarinet and a little of the violin. Love different type of music. I love musicals, opera music, KPOP, Japanese music. Mostly any type of music, then again I do have more rock music, foreign music ( any music that is made in Europe area), and musicals. I love all movies, but the horror movies are my favorite though.
  • انضمAugust 19, 2017

الرسالة الأخيرة
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قصة بقلم Lleylanna Stewart
The Curse of the Witch's B-day بقلم Annabelle254
The Curse of the Witch's B-day
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