
I updated Exopyrendo :)


I have something something exciting to say :)
          For the past 3 months, I have been working on the outline of this story, Exopyrendo, that I came up with the idea for about a year ago. I have tried to write it multiple times, but I never planned, I kinda just went "with the flow."
          But through all of this recent planning, I have create a unique world, filled with such unique characters. Everything in this story took so much time, and so much thinking out, and I really hope it is as good as it sounds in my head lol.
          For all the people who see this message, or decide to read it, get ready for a story packed full with struggle, love, pain and adventure.
          I hope you all enjoy it!!!!! {>o<}


Okay, I feel like I have a little bit of explaining to do?
          So I have been gone for the past three or four months for multiple reasons.
          1. I had a really hard World History Honors class that made all of my free time become studying time.
          2. I got the lead role in a play called "Anonymous" as the character "Me" and I had a billion monologues that happened every other line -
          3. I had lots of tests this last trimester that I needed to be prepared for
          4. My chorus had SO MANY EVENTS AND CONCERTS
          5. FINALS WEEK
          So yeah, those are all of my excuses. But you know, I'm BACK! And that's all that really matters.
          Right now I am working on a new story (like always) that I've had planned out for months and can't wait to share, so that might be up soon.
          And I changed my username, and pictures. I felt like I needed a new start lol.
          So thats it!
          Hope you enjoy my stories {>o<}


Hey, can you please shoutout for my book
          Title: The coincidence
          Discription: She thought that she could start all over again but falling inlove with the curly haired boy Harry Styles doesn't help at all, it makes it worse, step by step.
          Author: RanaAmrr1D


Author: CrystalMethAndStuff 
          Title: the Story of Five Freaks 
          Genre: Romance/Humor
          Rating: R
          Summary: She was sent to a camp so she could recover, but instead she ended up running off with four troubled teens and falling in love.
          Notes: It's a work in progress and I am open to anyone's opinions. I also will give a shoutout for anyone willing to return the favor.