
hey everyone! I switched accounts so if you want to go follow my new account it would be very much appreciated, since this account will no longer be active!
          	new account @MissShallanDavar


So I started reading 1984 ( I stopped so i could focus on finishing the storm light archives) a while ago and there was a part I didn't get.'Until they become conscious they will never rebel and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious'Or something along the lines of that. But how can someone rebel if they can't rebel until they become conscious but they can't become conscious until after they rebel it like a circle.Please explain. I am so very confused ‍


i’ve taken my books down because I don’t know what to write any more I’ll try continue writing them and then publishing them when they’re complete but that may take a while.


@Annabethchase123467 You were a great author too you know


What are you guys thinking about my books?
          A bit of a backstory of ‘The war of the dragons’ I wrote it last year with my friend @solangalo_ but we never finished. I’m not sure if I will finish it because I’m already writing two books. I published it just to see what you guys think, so if you would like to continue the story then message me and we can work something out!




When your friend Nico has break duty during your grades break so you don’t  get see her any more. 
          I sobbed (not literally) join Annabeth and I again I miss u!


Oh I was not looking foword to any of them and now we have to do the drama thing on Tuesday but Idk about your class


@-Annabeth_Lovegood we have our drama thing and a presentation I was looking forward to.


@Annabethchase123467 what do you mean fun stuff we have a hole bunch of projects due tomorrow 


When you have an Afrikaans test but you didn’t study so you don’t understand ANYTHING.