
Chapter 5 is up. 


I'm in the process of writing the next chapter of P R: LOTIS (+_+). Also, I've been working on the next 4 chapters. I've had to research some stuff to make sure I wasn't writing stuff that was incorrect and as real as possible. Some of you know what is coming in the next few chapters and some of you don't. But, I have changed it and it is amazing. I'm sorry for not posting anything on the book or updating you guys. I'll try to keep y'all posted on stuff. 


Ok so I was making sure that everything is in order and adding a bit more to the chapter and it starts to pour down rain. My PC is not on a surge bar yet so I saved it and shut off my PC I don't want this thunder storm to ruin what I have so far. I will posting chapter 3 as soon as I'm in the clear of this storm. 


Thank you so much for voting 


@mas384 will check out ur story n leave comments as I finish chapters :) :)


@mas384 I hope I can make u vote more....fingers crossed


I'm in the process of getting my book done so I can post it as a whole.  So far I have 6,149 words. That's 23 pages. 


That's Prison Romance: Love on the inside