
Just saw Civil War. I'm gonna spoil it... 
          	1) Nobody dies (Rhodey gets injured badly)
          	2) Spider-Man's costume gets an upgrade by Iron-Man
          	3) Ant Man becomes huge (Giant Man)
          	4) Baron Zemo, disguised as Bucky, actually kills T'Chaka
          	5) There are other Winter Soldiers
          	6) Bucky was brainwashed by Hydra to kill many people including Stark's parents
          	7) Bucky's arm is lost due to Iron Man
          	8) There is a mid credits scene of Bucky willing to let himself be frozen till he can control his mind. At the end of the credits  Spider-Man's webshooter dislplays a holographic spider face and then it says Spider-Man will return!


@AnonimyBoss  f**** you man. really ruined my whole day, was gonna watch civik war tonight >:(


Just saw Civil War. I'm gonna spoil it... 
          1) Nobody dies (Rhodey gets injured badly)
          2) Spider-Man's costume gets an upgrade by Iron-Man
          3) Ant Man becomes huge (Giant Man)
          4) Baron Zemo, disguised as Bucky, actually kills T'Chaka
          5) There are other Winter Soldiers
          6) Bucky was brainwashed by Hydra to kill many people including Stark's parents
          7) Bucky's arm is lost due to Iron Man
          8) There is a mid credits scene of Bucky willing to let himself be frozen till he can control his mind. At the end of the credits  Spider-Man's webshooter dislplays a holographic spider face and then it says Spider-Man will return!


@AnonimyBoss  f**** you man. really ruined my whole day, was gonna watch civik war tonight >:(