
Happy birthday kim kookie I love you  taekook forever 


Hello dear,
          Sorry for dropping at random. If you find it intrusive feel free to delete the comment. I  wanted to tell that I have started a new book on similar genre to eyes never lie. 
          A top tae murder mystery thriller. it would mean a lot if you could check it out.... though no pressure. Have a great day army ^^ ^^ 


          An announcement to all my followers 
          You are following me in wattpad sadly my wattpad account get banned from wattpad few days ago so I had to make a new one. This is my new account hope you follow my new account. I will soon update the story which get deleted.
          Please follow my new account.
          Thank you.♡.


Halo kak~ aku ada rekomen ff taekook genre mafia. Tae yang jadi mafia? Udah biasa. Tapi kalo JK yang jadi mafia? Baru luar biasa. Penulisannya oke banget! Alurnya rapi dan penuh teka-teki. Wajib banget dibaca huhu! ಥ‿ಥ 
