
Hey guys! I have been approached by a weird user. They claimed to be an editor that wanted me to review their works. I asked how they found me since they said that thy thought I had good taste, but I have nos tories saved in my reading list. Needless to say, they sent me few chapters and a link. I did not open the link, but the whole thing is ultra suspicious to me. I did not get my answers so I suppose it is a bot or a person that has no idea how to socially interact. The former seems more like it. The account has cats for the pfp and I will see what their name is and post in comments. 


@hedgi-chan Yeah I think that is smart!


@ Aph_Serbia  yeah got that too. I blocked them 


Hey guys! I have been approached by a weird user. They claimed to be an editor that wanted me to review their works. I asked how they found me since they said that thy thought I had good taste, but I have nos tories saved in my reading list. Needless to say, they sent me few chapters and a link. I did not open the link, but the whole thing is ultra suspicious to me. I did not get my answers so I suppose it is a bot or a person that has no idea how to socially interact. The former seems more like it. The account has cats for the pfp and I will see what their name is and post in comments. 


@hedgi-chan Yeah I think that is smart!


@ Aph_Serbia  yeah got that too. I blocked them 


The moment you have to unpublish your unfinished fanfic since people say it is Alabama even if you explained it 1000 times Serbia and Croatia are not brothers. Croatia is brothers with Herzegovina. Serbia is cousin with Montenegro. Bosnia is Herzegovina's hisband. Republika Srpska is their kid who thinks he is Serbia's kid. Slovenia is their friend and so is Macedonia. Now, I did not mention Croatia and Serbia being related. It is because they are not. I believe it is so in Yugotalia too, but I am not sure. So, what I want to say is: it is not incest. 
          Like I see SerCro as a comfort ship. I see it as they leave the grusome history behind and decide to get along. Ofc they do not forget about it. So yeah, please stop saying Alabama. 


Hi! I was just wondering if you knew of any CroSerb hetalia fanfics? Thanks x


@MadamNalu The best one I have read so far on Wattpad is "Forever and Always". I hope this helps


Zanima me iskreno o tome sto sam sada procitala? Kakav SerCro? To postoji?! uWu


@HollywoodUndeadShe Pa ima knjiga o tome... Samo ih nazalost ima malo. Knjiga koja je mene inspirisala da pocnem pisati je "Forever and Always" ovde na Wattpadu. Ako odes na #sercro mislim da ce biti tamo. Knjiga je super. Ima jos par zapocetih knjiga koliko ja mislim. I razumem te... I ja volim angst. 


@Aph_Serbia ajme to zvuci predobroooo! Ima li kakva knjiga u vezi toga? Voljela bi ju procitati jer da se Srbija i Hrvatska vole je stvarno prekrasno,bilo bi milijun puta bolje da je tako jer sam ja oduvijek voljela Srbiju unatoc glupim komentarima drugih. A jos je meni najjace kad je angst jer je to kao hrana za moju dusu! Vec san zaljubljena u SerCro!


@HollywoodUndeadShe Da to postoji! To je uglavnom slika kako bi ljudi radije voleli da bude. Da se Srbija i Hrvatska vole, a ne da se mrze. To je kao alternativni ship koji moze da bude kakav hoces. Najcesce je vezan za angst tho. 


I thought your thing said aph Siberia


@Onepunch123 Yeah. Even on instagram. But I don't mind. I mean... It happens. It written similarly, so it can get misxed up with Siberia.


@Onepunch123 XD a lot of people think that


Guys! I know you don't care, but I think that my predictions were right. I am bloody cursed for liking SrbCro! There are no freaking fanfictions except "Always and Forever", which is really great fanfiction, and one fanfiction on ao3...


@SparrowTrail Oh sure! I will wait for it to be realised because I started reading some fangictions already and I do not intend to get things mixed up. I hope you understand! ^-^


@Aph_Serbia  the book is in my profile. It's called Street Mouse, (and keep in mind I'm not too experienced in writing about certain characters from Hetalia, so they might be a bit OOC) and even though the chapter with the ship isn't out yet, it will be, soon! (warining you will have to flip through six chapters of allegiances first before getting into the actual story. And I'm not pressuring you to read it. If you want to wait until the chapter with SrbCro is released then I would suggest putting it in your library (mainly because I have school and I tend to procrastinate quite a bit) for now. Thanks for showing interest, and if you ever happen to read the book then I hope you enjoy it!


@SparrowTrail That is great! I am looking forward to reading a book about your AU! And I think that too. SerCro is kinda a relationship we hope that will happen. Like... we, SerCro shiplers from Serbia, hope that we will make up with Croatia (and I hope vice versa). And yup, it is great plot mechanism having in mind... the past.