
Jumping back to celebrate the *unofficial* birthday of our favorite arsonist, Cole Stewart! 
          	If we assume the events of the first book is concurrent with the year it is published, Cole would be 32 by now.
          	…It’s nice to imagine him with a life that extends beyond the books, isn’t it? 


Jumping back to celebrate the *unofficial* birthday of our favorite arsonist, Cole Stewart! 
          If we assume the events of the first book is concurrent with the year it is published, Cole would be 32 by now.
          …It’s nice to imagine him with a life that extends beyond the books, isn’t it? 


Ultramarine just hit no.1 in #Colestewart!!
          I'm so, so happy. Thank you all for the support that makes the story happened in the first place.
          Also, since the story had ended, are there any stuff that you'd like to read? For instance, crossover with other fandom/next generation/sequel...etc.
          Please let me know!


My lovely readers,
          Just realized that Ultramarine had hit 2nd place in #colestewart! I'm legit soaring-through-the-roof happy right now!!!
          Really sorry for the lack of updates recently. I have been really tied up by school works, and haven't had the time to revise the next chapter and properly finish those that follows. 
          I had received some messages from you guys, and I can't tell you how your words light up my days! I really appreciate all the encouragements, and your enjoyment in reading my stories means the world to me.
          Also, as I have a little bit of time now, a new chapter of Ultramarine will soon follow this announcement. The rest will probably be slowly updated over the winter holidays. 


[Please take a look into news of Hong Kong]
          I was going to update a new chapter of Ultramarine tonight, but on second thought, I hope you’ll take the time to read something else.
          Hong Kong has been in turmoil for more than two months now. There is this protest against an extradition bill–which could potentially give the Chinese Government the right to extradite almost anyone they want, including political dissidents.(As you may know, there are no meaningful freedom-of-speech in China)
          The government and the police (military police has been deployed at this point) have been resorting to violence against the protesters, who have mostly nothing else to protect themselves with besides some helmets and masks. Yesterday, one of the protester lost an eye because one of the police officers fired a shot of bean bag round at her head in a close range. (Bean bag round is similar to shotgun shell but has less power; still, it could potentially be lethal if fired at weaker part of the body, i.e. face.) Many other heinous things happened in Hong Kong just last night. Beating defenseless protesters with military batons or harassing female protesters is no longer news materials at this point, because the level of violence happening there is way past that.
          The protesters are mostly youngsters; college-age, some even younger, and they are literally fighting a war against their government. They are being shot at. And all they want is for the government to withdraw a bill that could potentially threaten their freedom. 
          I believe that my followers all love the characters in The Darkest Minds, and we applaud Ruby, Liam, Chubs, Vida, Cole, Zu and all the rest of them for their bravery, and hate Gray for his crime. I’d like to think that the protesters there in Hong Kong are just like all these characters that we love, and they are fighting for their freedom. Just, in this case, they don’t have superpowers. 
          So please, take some of your time, and look into the news about Hong Kong.


If you’d like to help, but you are not in Asia, you could sign this White House petition: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/please-send-medical-army-hong-kong-hong-kong-under-humanitarian-disaster
            With enough signatures, the White House would have to respond. You don’t have to be an US citizen to sign this petition.
            In my country (I live in East Asia), there are people asking for donation of masks and helmets, so if you have that in your country, you could do that, too.