
Wth, I forgot I even had this app. I haven’t touched it since last year 
          	Im now an Ao3 user lmao 
          	Anyway, uh yeah
          	Probably won’t touch it for another year Lmao
          	Bye whoever even read this 


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Dreams gonna face reveal..... I'm feel no emotions for some FUCKED UP REASON >:0


@Apr1lWasTaken I think I'm feeling nervous. Maybe? Because I'm used to seeing him faceless. But I know how I veiw him won't change, well apart from him having a face now 


Okay so, I'm debating starting a highschool au. I think I'm leaning towards a dreamnap book but then again it could be dnf. If I do end up writing it, dream will be the nerdy new kid student and Sapnap or George will be the popular jock (because I wanna switch the rolls :D )
          Tell me if you guys would like to read something like it and I may write the book. (I am still writing my other books, my oneshot and dnn book-which f you haven't go check them out-)
          Anyway have a good morning, day, night.