
Sorry for the long hiatus, I’ll be working on a few things soon. A new one-shot and a new One-shot series that I hope you guys might like…


@AquamarineOtaku Looking forward to them :3


You've finally joined the fandom! What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?


-ApolloJustice- It would still be nice to actually play it instead of watching 3:


There is a translated version of AAI 2. The team who translated provided regular checks in translation. Rest assured that you won't miss anything! DGS on the other hand, we can only hope it gets translated.


Sorry to announce that I have discontinued my Mystic Messenger books. I know a lot of people love them, but I have no more inspiration when it comes to them. I really love the characters, but I don't think I can go on now… I'm pretty sure their personalities don't match perfectly with who they really are and I have run out of scenarios to write about…
          I apologize, but thank you so much for all the support about how you love my works, it helps me a lot as a writer…


@AquamarineOtaku It's okay writers sometimes run out inspiration but eventually you'll come with an idea so keep up the work and i'll support you