
Guess who's Power's out and is using a school computer to let everyone know!!!!
          	Me- thats who. A really bad storm hit our city, trees were torn out of the ground, and the power is out- so I won't be on for teh rest of the day, and that includes on my other account as well-


Hello! Whether you be a friend, acquaintance, this is a backup account, or you’re someone who followed me on a whim and may even be a dead account now, I just want to say... thank you. Thank you for coming onto my profile and deciding that, for whatever reason, you wanted to follow me. I’m at almost 500 follows now. Because of YOU. So I just wanted to thank you individually, from the bottom of my heart ❤️❤️❤️


Guess who's Power's out and is using a school computer to let everyone know!!!!
          Me- thats who. A really bad storm hit our city, trees were torn out of the ground, and the power is out- so I won't be on for teh rest of the day, and that includes on my other account as well-


@Arawsnorsi O.o
            Well, stay safe!


I am at school right now, bored out of my mind-
          how is everyone doing?


@Arawsnorsi True enough, I hope it’s over soon


@Birdschirpsalotavill Well I mean, COVID might be over by then so you don't have to wear a mask and social distance-


@Arawsnorsi Not really, I have no summer break next year, I have school until Next, Next June, Straight


Hehe I love how it’s just your main account’s name backwards XD


@SyvanahBanana22 How do you know that this isn't my main account and my Fandom account is this account's name spelled backwards 0o0