
The next chapter will be a bit delayed, sorry! But no worries, it will come. At the latest, it'll be at next week's release date, but I'll try to update before then so that I can possibly squeeze in another chapter at next week's date as originally planned.


The next chapter will be a bit delayed, sorry! But no worries, it will come. At the latest, it'll be at next week's release date, but I'll try to update before then so that I can possibly squeeze in another chapter at next week's date as originally planned.


Hey I want to thank all of the people who have recently followed! If you like romance stories n stuff, please check out my story! 
          I'll be posting a new story soon, I have been reworking one that I have planned for a while, but I'll give it to y'all soon!


Hello to all of my new followers! I love seeing new faces, and I wanted to thank everyone who's supported me so far.
          If you're interested in a romance story about a student and a teacher,  friendships and heartbreak and loss and gain, then please feel free to check out my story!
          If you like shows like Game of Thrones, Supernatural, Constantine, Doctor Who and a bunch of other stuff, hit me up, I'm always willing to fangirl!


I want to thank everyone who's been with me so far! I hope whoever's read my book has enjoyed it! 
          If you haven't had the chance to read it, please check it out when you can! It's based on a romance between a student and a teacher, and a hella more things involved!
          Thank you to all my followers, too, for the support and, well, following! You guys are the best. :D