
Yokai Watch Readers:
          	Anyone a yokai watch fan? If so, want some stories/learn about some interesting AU/Ideas I have?


@Scarlett_Sorcerer Same! I managed to my a anime site that let's me watch all the available episodes, series and movies in English sub. Plus I have game 1 and 2 (bony spirit) 
          	  Currently right now, over on A03, I have 2 Yokai Watch stories there! I'm thinking about bringing it over here to wattpad for my fellow Wattpad user that are Yokai fans 


          	  I used to watch that on tv when I was a lil kid


Would you still do more fevermysabre book? I love them. Have a nice day.


@dreamnobalde There's a small hope and chance that I would do one FavreMySabre story, but nothing much else. It isn't really easy to write stories from that Fandom nowadays.


Yokai Watch Readers:
          Anyone a yokai watch fan? If so, want some stories/learn about some interesting AU/Ideas I have?


@Scarlett_Sorcerer Same! I managed to my a anime site that let's me watch all the available episodes, series and movies in English sub. Plus I have game 1 and 2 (bony spirit) 
            Currently right now, over on A03, I have 2 Yokai Watch stories there! I'm thinking about bringing it over here to wattpad for my fellow Wattpad user that are Yokai fans 


            I used to watch that on tv when I was a lil kid


Hermitcraft Readers:
          Just started drafting a few concept for the Evolution in Time AU cover (mainly for Wattpad of course) and some more concepts art! Hopefully, by the time I finished those and clean up/update the first chapter or two, I should be able to finally post it after-- what? Almost a year since I had put it under a hiatus to be rewritten? 
          Until then, watch out for any more updates or the story publishing! It will be under a new name since it is a rewrite with new/update lore and ideas/concepts I'm working with. 
          Aside from that, do you Hermit Readers want me to also bring over my other A03 exclusive stories, Runaway Admins (Xisuma Centric AU) and Legend of Hermitcraft (Wels centric AU) , over to Wattpad to make accessible for you readers here? Or no? 
          Comments your answer and reasonings (if needed) and I may even consider! 


Hermitcraft Readers:
          Since people are interested in the idea of Wels being adopted by Herobrine and Steve, I figured I might as well make my rant about the idea. 
          So, when Wels was a child, he was originally from a medieval time era, in a uninteresting world really. That is, until Wels had accidentally and unknowingly awaked his ability as a Otherworlder. Something that no one can explain, beside the skeptical idea that the Universe had picked them to do what may as well be considered impossible.
          Wels was only just around 5 years old when he had unlocked this ability, landing himself in early days of Minecraftia, early enough that only Steve, Herobrine, Alex and Notch are the only inhabits. Save for the Villagers and such anyways.
          Steve found Wels, both utterly confused and surprise, so he took him in, considering it was a very dangerous to let a child alone. They all tried to figured out how to send Wels back home, but never could, none knew the answers to how they showed up. Not even Notch had known what to do. 
          So in the end, they decided to just, keep Wels, trained and teach him how to survive in the world. With each one giving him a unique gift, something that no Players or Minecraftian even knew about. But considering they all collectively raised Wels together, it was only fair. 
          However, by the time Players started to appear and the Minecraftia world changes, so did the family. Wels is a Knight, a callback and remembrance to his original home he can't even remember anymore, Herobrine retired and became a teacher, Steve disappeared and has never been founded since and Notch was banished. While Alex protect the Minecraftians that remain on Minecraftia. 
          But sometimes, Wels would encounter other Otherworlder, learning to control his abilities more easily. Until eventually, he landed himself onto Hermitcraft, a place he call home and would protect until he couldn't anymore.
          After all, he would do anything for the Realm that took him in with love and care.


Hermitcraft Readers:
          So, while writing/editing a chapter that is still not quite complete, a random idea/thought came to mind.
          Since Wels is depicted as a knight/seems like someone really old considering their knight theme and all. But also still somehow really advanced in some ways. 
          And I already written them as a Otherworlder of some sorts...
          Would it be interesting if he was like-- I don't know, raised/taught by Steve, Herobrine and Alex? I don't know why, but it was an odd Idea I have, if like, more people like the idea or want to know more about my thoughts on it, I can make another post ranting all about it.


@AriaGuardian it’s certainly an interesting headcannon


@AriaGuardian interesting. id love to know more


Ninjago Readers/Fans:
          So, I was looking at a bunch of Kai goes into the past/movieverse AU. 
          Have anyone ever thought about throwing Kai to a time when the First Spinjitzu Master is alive? Could be before Garmadon and Wu exist or after the devourer bit Garmadon, I don't know. 
          Just, the idea came to mind and it's sorta stuck. 
          Even better, Kai gets amnesia. 
          I'm pretty sure this idea alone has a lot of angsty potential. 
          It's like, whoever threw Kai into the past decided to also tamper with history. Subtle enough that Kai wouldn't noticed, but enough to find odd with his lack of memories and faint familiarity. 
          I don't know, just ideas. 


@Earth0n3 yeah I intend on making th3 begining/reason for Kai being taken into the past be like. For the most part anyways. 


You could have the start of it take place closely after the final battle with the time brothers


          Ninjago stories, anyone? 
          Dragon Rising have caused me to revisit the past series and well, I've ended up writing a lot of ideas. 
          Particularly just funny ideas where Sensei G and Wu used to babysit Kai when he was a smol baby. 
          Dunno why, but it's s funny idea. 


I love that idea


Hermitcraft Readers:
          I just gotta how this one chapter for one of my A03 exclusive story is like. 
          Half way towards 7k words and it's not even finished. 
          Which is funny cause of all the characters I'm writing about, it's Wels encounter with A version of Grian. (Specifically KOV!Grian, if you know... You know unfortunately) 
          But yeah. Nearly 7k words in, I already want to go back and rewrite a good chunk of the chapter itself. Which is going to be an absolute pain honestly.
          Universe damn it. 
          Welp, no going back now.