
Hi everyone!
          	First and foremost, happy new year to you all!
          	2019 left a bunch of amazing things for me. I finished the first book of the Missing Link trilogy, Wattpad helped me boost it up so that it reached more people, and I got so much love from so many of you that I couldn’t be anymore grateful. I’ve been working hard on the new version of Outcast’s first draft so that it can be what I always envisioned—sadly, because of the end of semester last month and now that I got a job at a winter resort for the season, I barely have time to properly sit down and write—and I’m more than excited to share that with you all. This new year has so much to offer and I cannot wait to start showing you all the parts of this massive project.
          	Book 2 of the trilogy, Torn, is almost done in the outlining phase. The prologue will be released in the next couple of days, but the trailer is right here! I’m so happy to share this with you all and I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you’re waiting from this next book, and get ready, because lots of new characters, plot, secrets, and trust issues are coming your way! 
          	After all, being torn between a prophecy and survival means things will never be the same. 
          	LINK TO TRAILER:


Hola arianna que tal?, tiempo sin saber de ti. Me gustaría hablar contigo. Ya que llevo tiempo sin saber nada de wattpad ni de tus historias.


@Arianna_1204 que genial arianna, yo también continúe mi historia 2 años que no me he acercado por acá. Me alegro de que estés bien y te estés esforzando para alcanzar tus metas sigue adelante.  


@tayplosion25 obvio se me olvidó darle reply jaja
            ¡De nuevo gracias! ♥️


¡Hola! Sí, ha pasado demasiado tiempo. En junio terminé la historia TML, el primer libro, he estado trabajando con mi beta reader para comenzar a ver ese primer borrador, y estos meses no he parado de trabajar en el outline para este segundo borrador.
            Estuve en USA por tres meses trabajando desde diciembre, y de verdad no pude avanzar mucho escribiendo o conectándome a Wattpad, pero ya estoy de vuelta en mi país y trabajando todos los días.
            Más bien me emociona demasiado comenzar a compartir este segundo borrador de la historia conforme lo vaya elaborando, ¡se vienen cosas súper lindas para este año!
            También voy a sacar un contenido extra en mi libro dedicado a escenas/personajes y demás para que ya comience todo de nuevo. Han sido meses largos, pero la verdad todo ha sido para que la historia mejore. Los buenos proyectos llevan tiempo, y preferí trabajarlo a fondo que sacar un contenido apresurado.
            ¡Más bien gracias por preguntar y muy pronto vas a estar escuchando cosas nuevas! En los próximos días o semanas voy a estar sacando un par de anuncios ♥️
            Un saludo enorme y ojalá que todo esté bien.


Hi everyone!
          First and foremost, happy new year to you all!
          2019 left a bunch of amazing things for me. I finished the first book of the Missing Link trilogy, Wattpad helped me boost it up so that it reached more people, and I got so much love from so many of you that I couldn’t be anymore grateful. I’ve been working hard on the new version of Outcast’s first draft so that it can be what I always envisioned—sadly, because of the end of semester last month and now that I got a job at a winter resort for the season, I barely have time to properly sit down and write—and I’m more than excited to share that with you all. This new year has so much to offer and I cannot wait to start showing you all the parts of this massive project.
          Book 2 of the trilogy, Torn, is almost done in the outlining phase. The prologue will be released in the next couple of days, but the trailer is right here! I’m so happy to share this with you all and I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you’re waiting from this next book, and get ready, because lots of new characters, plot, secrets, and trust issues are coming your way! 
          After all, being torn between a prophecy and survival means things will never be the same. 
          LINK TO TRAILER:


          Great news: I just updated the newest version of the prologue! I'm currently working on the rewriting of chapter one and I'll hopefully have that by next week! I'll be updating you guys as this second draft comes along! 
          In the meantime, I hope you have a fun read with the prologue!


Hey there!❤️
          So, widely known, I usually go MIA during the last 2-3 months of the year since finals in my university just translates to me crying in a corner, rethinking my life decisions and getting into law school. Point is, even with all the work, I’ve been taking my time to construct a new outline for The Missing Link’s first book on the trilogy, I’ve worked on book 2’s outline, there’s already a cover for book 2, and I’m very excited to start showing you guys this new draft!
          I’ve wanted to thank you for thirty seven thousand reads as well! You’ve all been more than kind with me, and I cannot thank you enough.
          Now that the semester is officially done, I’ll be back to my writing schedule and I’ll try to get back on track with being productive.
          Again, thank you for everything! I hope you all have a lovely day ❤️


@Arianna_1204  Thanks! I'm pushing through!


@SBScarlett Oh girl, not at all! Believe me, first drafting this story and reading it made me realize how much work it needs. Still, as I edit the story obviously unfolds for the better! Keep working on it, I'm sure it'll work out ♥️


@Arianna_1204  Yeah editing is tedious so take your time,  I'll be patiently waiting for the rewrite ( my brain has a hard time processing change so I might as well wait lol) Good luck with revisions, mine are currently making me want to rip my hair out. Is four drafts considered excessive? lol


Part I of the Book of the Forgotten (extra information) is out now!
          Be sure to check it out ❤️

          As I said, I'll be letting you guys know through the course of this week how the outlining processes go and hopefully dates for edits and releases!
          I hope you all have an amazing night, and thanks again for everything! xx ❤️


@Arianna_1204 Book of the Forgotten!!! I have to finish Book 1 ASAP


@zivotkrozprice aw, thank you so much!
            I'm happy you're excited! ❤️


@Arianna_1204 can't wait to read it!!  


Hi everyone!
          Three years of hard work later (and a lot of stress and emotional breakdowns in the process) we finally reached thirty thousand views, and I cannot thank you all enough for the constant support, voting and commenting, but most importantly, for giving the story a shot. The book is far from perfect still—it’s only the first draft. I’ve been working on solidifying the plot, getting to know my characters in a much deeper way, solving plot holes, and trying to build a stronger, more interesting story for all of you.
          I truly hope you can all stick around for what’s coming. I’m in the process of outlining book 2 and finishing the outline for this second draft of book 1. I’m also working on some trailers and teasers that will be coming out soon, as well as a cover reveal!
          For now, I’ll be publishing my newest, extra work on the Missing Link Trilogy. Right now, you’ll find the first part available, which will take you through a journey of the locations mentioned and visual maps! As the story goes on, I will be adding and modifying, but I hope you all enjoy this addition. Next week I’ll be posting part 2, dedicated to character profiles and mood boards/visuals, as well as playlists for each one!
          As a thank you, though, I will also give you guys another gift: the most awaited title reveal. 
          Torn between uncovering a prophecy and survival, nothing can be the same. 
          The Missing Link (Book II : Torn) is coming your way!
          Get ready.
          You’re not ready for what’s about to happen.


Hi hi... is there going to be more of The Missing Link? I've just finished up until chapter 35 and it says it's completed but I can't find Book 2???
          Just want to know what's happening because this was such an amazing and different book! 


            Haha sorry. It was an absolute pleasure to read a book like this and I'm more than pleased with what I got.
            Yay!!! *cue celebrations* I can't wait! I'll definitely keep an eye put to make sure I don't miss anything!
            Okay awesome. I'll make sure to add it to my library as soon as it's up. (I understand how you feel. I'm doing my last year of high school, I finish in December, and I'm up to my neck in studying so I understand some what)
            Please do let me know, it's a battle to find books on here that aren't a walking cliché of bad boys and nerds at the moment! I'll make sure to watch any teasers 
            Of course, you deserve it❤
            Hope you enjoy the rest of your day❤ and good luck with law school❤


@Larry_Is_Life_28 Hi there!
            Okay, I'm in class right now and you literally made me tear up haha
            Thank you so much for reading, and I'm more than happy to hear you're pleased with what you got.
            Yes! There will be two more books , and book 2 is on the making already. 
            I will be posting a new extra work at some point today as a reward for 30k, with more information on the trilogy, playlists, character-information, and mood boards that might interest you! As well as extra scenes and requests people may have for me to write any scenes that they'd like to see but didn't get to be in the book.
            As to when will book 2 be released, I'm working on the outline at the moment, as well as the edits for the second draft of this first book, so I'll be announcing release dates and updates of the edited versions soon!! (Law school drains my time a little bit more than I care to admit)
            But thank you so, so much for asking; you have no idea how much it means to me!
            I'll be sure to let you know when the first chapter and prologue are coming out, as well as a cover reveal and video teasers!
            Thanks again for the kind words and support--you 100% made my day! ❤️❤️❤️


Hi everyone!
          Oof—what a crazy time it has been. 
          First of all, I just wanted to thank you all SO much for 27 THOUSAND VIEWS. Holy hell, I just can’t even believe it. You’re all the most amazing human beings and I cannot thank you all enough. ♥️
          As a reward, the moment we hit 30k I’m releasing a little surprise I have been working on!
          I did want to apologize for the lack of activity from my part. Like I had said before, law school’s new semester started a week ago for me, and it’s already crazy as heck, which is why I haven’t been replying as often or checking in on every update I have.
          Rest assured that I’m trying to get accustomed to the semester/professors’ beat so that I can establish writing/posting hours for what’s left of the year! (More updates on that coming soon.)
          I’m also done with the first complete read-through and annotations of TML... And WOW, it needs a LOT of work, but I’m definitely excited. I’m taking this week to work on the outline for the second draft and hopefully by Monday next week I will start working on the rewrites. (So many new scenes and more details on characters/places that I am DYING for you all to see!!)
          Soon enough I’ll also be releasing dates and information regarding the second book. Worry not, it will come your way! Along with teasers and a most awaited title and cover release... But all in its due time. For now, hang in there! 
          With all of that being said, I wanted to thank you all again for being SO amazing and supportive. The constant love means the world to me, and please don’t hesitate to DM me or comment any questions/opinions/questions regarding future plot points/character questions/random thoughts you’ve had so far with the book.... Anything. ♥️ I always enjoy discussing your theories, and seeing you’re enjoying the story or liking/hating a particular character never fails to make me smile!
          I hope you all have an amazing day! xx