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Hey everyone! I know I haven't updated my Kill la Kill Resurgence story as of late. I'm currently gonna face my final year of high school so I've been very busy lately with my studies. I will try my best to find time to update the fic if I can.


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Hey everyone! I know I haven't updated my Kill la Kill Resurgence story as of late. I'm currently gonna face my final year of high school so I've been very busy lately with my studies. I will try my best to find time to update the fic if I can.


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Really enjoying writing Kill la Kill: Resurgence so far. I'm planning on maybe releasing 2 chapters a week. It's basically the minimum I can do since I'm also busy with my studies. 
          Oh and if you have read the 3rd chapter and wondering how my character's fighting style is, just think of Raiden from Metal Gear Rising's moves. He basically fights like him so expect to see a lot of sword on foot kicking. Heh.
          Anyway, hope y'all enjoy reading the fic so far.