
This book is completely finished. If someone could give it a read and give some feedback!!


hello everyone! Sorry it's been so long since my last announcement, been a lot happening the past year in my life. I did take down all my stories to rewrite ad edit them. Hope you are all doing well. I have reposted The first few chapters of no love lost. Not much change but want to change the last few chapters but not sure how. anyway, Have a great weekend!!


Hey I am promoting my book.. I hope you will read  it.. plz follow me back... I am new on watty and I need support.. I will not disappoint uh all.. and definitely I will post better content 


Hey, hope this isn’t annoying or anything, but I just published a story “The Grand Scheme of Things”, and if isn’t too much of an inconvenience, I would really appreciate it if you would check it out and tell what you think. ;)


@0bIivescence so sorry! i took a much need break and never saw this message. im very sorry, i tried to find the book but its gone?