
Howdy! I'm back after 3 years off the website with new ideas and a fresh mind! Don't know if any of my followers are still active but would love to hear from yous <3


Hey guys! I know I've been unreliable but I'm getting back into writing (once my housemate gets his computer fixed)! I'm currently using school computers and possible my phone (I have small storage space on there) and hopefully do better! Sorry, again and I hope you'll all read the new books that are on their way!


U-um... Hi there! I'm Neon, I just wanted to say that... I really enjoy your story Lost in the apocalypse.. You have great writing, very talented actually. I'd love for you to update, I'm really hooked on it, thank you..


@immortal_hatred thank you! Im glad you like it. I'm hoping to continue but I'm quote busy with school and what not so I'm sorry for the delays - for everyone - and I hope you stay to read the rest! 