
Hello all, and happy holidays!
          	I won't draw out this message longer than it has to be - I have finally gotten around to rewriting The Prince and his Servant. I admittedly haven't started it yet, but I posted a disclaimer on AO3 so that it won't get deleted. If you all are interested, I would love it if you checked out my profile there, under the same username I have here, and keep it in the back of your mind.
          	A huge thank-you goes to everyone who read The Prince and his Servant. I hope that this time around, I can give you a much better experience than before. <3


@ArmyOfTinyLevis Np and happy holidays


Hello all, and happy holidays!
          I won't draw out this message longer than it has to be - I have finally gotten around to rewriting The Prince and his Servant. I admittedly haven't started it yet, but I posted a disclaimer on AO3 so that it won't get deleted. If you all are interested, I would love it if you checked out my profile there, under the same username I have here, and keep it in the back of your mind.
          A huge thank-you goes to everyone who read The Prince and his Servant. I hope that this time around, I can give you a much better experience than before. <3


@ArmyOfTinyLevis Np and happy holidays


Just finished reading The Prince and his Servant and I am crying 
          It was so beautiful and the way the Epilogue ended broke my heart, in a good way. I truly loved your story, and I hope to look back on it in the future, and be reminded of what makes me happy :)


@lxser_tea Aw, I feel honored. Again, I'm so glad you enjoyed the story! It's for people like you I sometimes consider coming back to Wattpad as the writer I once was. <3


Of course!! I genuinely loved this story, and there are many great stories out there, but only with a few have I actually given my sincere opinion on how the story was, and they were all great!


@lxser_tea Ahhhh I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! It warms my heart to know I was able to bring about such good memories in a person, even with a story as old (and not quite up so scratch, in my mind) as this one. I loved seeing all of your comments as you went through the story, they truly made my morning! Thank you for reading The Prince and his Servant. <3


//I love your username uwu


            //: it's so cute but I'm sure Levi would be mad but meh still cute


Lol, forgot emojis weren't a thing on here


@GLORRIECH Thank you! I don't remember how I came up with it 


this message may be offensive
          (Sorry that's bold, but I wanted people to read that first before they deleted the notification lol)
          So! I have been dead for a very long time, but if I can help it, then no more! I have been brainstorming concepts for a new Ereri story for five or so months now, and it's about time I think about actually writing it, lmao rip
          Basically, Eren has a service dog, Levi's a novelist, Mikasa loves Zumba wayyyy to much, Hanji is still wild af, and Jean jumped in a trash can for views
          I legit have not thought of plot yet :'''') but if you guys have any ideas, literally any, hit me up, I want them
          If you guys would be interested in reading this story, let me know, I do like to see who likes my (literal) shit
          And one more thing! I've been dead for so long, apparently The Prince and His Servant has a lot more reads than it used to! 95.8K!!! Not super many compared to others, but for me, that's a huge number! Thank you to everyone who read it, even though it was highkey trash
          That's all! Again, here's hoping that I can actually get my shit together and write this story!


Today is my birthday guyssss


It's Halloween 
            Lil girl mom: ok what do you say when you go trick or treating?
            Lil girl: *looks at the bday message* happy burdhday


HAPPY HAPPY DAYS! Happy bday author chan


I know I've lost a couple followers already, and I'm 99% sure it's because I unfollowed them, but in my defense, there are people I specifically want to follow and can't, because my phone would start to glitch out and not follow the person because I was following a whopping 982 of you. That's most of everyone who follows me, I think. I hope that not all of you unfollow me simply because I unfollowed you. I don't hate any of you, it's nothing personal. It's just, my phone can't take it. I'm sorry so many of you lost me as a follower, but I still love each and every one of you. If you're unfollowing me only because I unfollowed you, then you obviously didn't really care about my content. Otherwise, it wouldn't matter. Unfollow if you must, but for those of you who plan on sticking it out, you guys are the true homies. Seriously, thanks. If I lost all the people I unfollowed, I'd only have 66 followers instead of the 997 I have at the moment. (And I'd just hit 1k followers, too... I'll admit, I'm sad about that a lot.)


@ArmyOfTinyLevis they're being mean... how sad ( ´_ゝ`)