
Hey people! How's it going ?!
          	Well, as you can see, I'M NOT DEAD !!!
          	I just started writing the 9th chapter of "Back To Earth". I know, I haven't updated in a while but I had no inspiration and some others things to do. So I didn't want to force myself with writing.
          	If you're happy about that, don't hesitate to tell me :)
          	And don't hesitate to share that story with our fellow SPNFamily,
          	Love you guys,
          	Have an awesome day ^)


Hey people! How's it going ?!
          Well, as you can see, I'M NOT DEAD !!!
          I just started writing the 9th chapter of "Back To Earth". I know, I haven't updated in a while but I had no inspiration and some others things to do. So I didn't want to force myself with writing.
          If you're happy about that, don't hesitate to tell me :)
          And don't hesitate to share that story with our fellow SPNFamily,
          Love you guys,
          Have an awesome day ^)


Hi guys ! For those who followed me for my Supernatural Fanfiction "From Stories to Reality", well, first sorry I don't update anymore.. (maybe one day)
          Second, I'm writing another Fanfiction "Back to Earth", go check it out :)


Hey !
          C'est Emma :D


Ca marche parfait!


@ The_little_fan  direct sur wattpad, mais je te ferais un copier coller pour que tu le lise


@The_little_fan  Oh merci :D j'espère qu'elle va te plaire. Pour ce qui est de la tienne tu travail directement sur wattpad ou tu copie/colle  sur Word? 


Après 2 mois d'absence (merci les examens et les vacances...) je reprends l'écriture de Génome. En ce qui concerne la réécriture de ma fanfiction, il faut d'abord que je me replonge un peu dans spn (je suis en phase doctor who, encore une fois xD). 
          Merci de votre patience j'espère sortir un chapitre de génome d'ici la fin des vacances et peut être de from stories to reality. 
          After 2 months of absence (thanks to the exams and holidays) I'm starting to write again on Genome. About my fanfiction I first need to get back into spn (I'm on doctor who again now). Thanks for you patience, I hope to get you a chapter of each by the end of the holidays.