Hello person who has stumbled on my profile. It would be greatly appreciated to support my art book and any other so far none existant books that may be published.

* Following me turns you into a mochi cookie 🍪🍪🍪 *


• Amature artist
• Wannabe Writer
• Professional eater


• Name?

• Favorite Colors?
Light purple

• Favorite Food?

The list is way to long

• Dreams?

To publish a book and become a professional artist


" I'll only appreciate technology when we can finally download edible food "

~ Ali
  • InscritJune 15, 2016

Histoire par ArtistsRetreat
Ali Draws par ArtistsRetreat
Ali Draws
That one kid in that one dark corner doodling on their late homework is probably me. Don't forget to say hi...
ranking #378 dans la catégorie pens Voir tous les classements
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