
What if I make my other OCs into SCPs?...


New story in collaboration with my friend, Haro Takahashi.
          The Nameless Order.
          The story will tackle world problems using different characters who experienced it, the characters will be characters from my other stories:
          Aiko Hirohaito from Filthy~
          Akii Nerumi from Dark Love (Among Us)
          Ark Helume from My Death Angel
          Ikeru Aruk from No Bound Love
          Ashirou Terusho (his story is coming soon!)
          A mega cross-over between OCs!
          Stay tuned for the release of the new story!
          In other news, there are some drafts for SCP-120117 [Remastered], just need the motivation to finish it or I need more ideas. If you dear readers have any ideas for SCP-120117 [Remastered] I will gladly listen.
          I might visit and continue on writing my older works like Aiko's story in Filthy~.
          Enjoy your readings and have a nice day!


There has been a breach of contract between me and Haro soo...
            This story is now mine, it's my original.
            Something happened? Well, apparently, Haro is a douche and left me to write it on my own without even finishing the first chapter.
            Jokes on you, Lukas Daniel Lienke, I'll take all the credits.


Laptop decided to commit die, cant write for some time until I get it fixed or get a new one. Enjoy my other stories in the mean time, I'm sure you'll enjoy at least some of em. I highly recommend "Dark Love" An Among Us love story and I really like that story, though disclaimer, it is a gay love story and of course some murder and blood and those stuff. Until then, see you on the next story.


Are you alive chief?


@Wolfy0117 I understand lack of motivation its a good friend of mine and also thanks for replying!


            Just haven't got the motivation to write. Besides, I got other stories to entertain you dear readers while I think of another thing to write and yes, I do have some ideas for the next chapter of SCP-120117 Remastered.