
Hi. Came across your story ‘Sole Surviver Of A Generation’ and am really intrigued. Can’t wait for it to be finished to binge (I prefer to wait till a story is fully completed). Just wondering though, is this a standalone book or is there a previous story - it’s just that in the Synopsis is says “...Trainee Valeryon II.”, which made me wonder is there is a previous story about a ‘Trainee Valeryon I’?


No problems, thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I’m mot bothered if it takes a while before you finish the story, just knowing that it is your intention to complete it at some point allows me to know it is worth keeping saved in my library and will check on it’s status from time to time. I do this for a number of books that grab my attention but are yet to be completed. I’m worried I’ll wait and then forget it’s tittle and author so being unable to find it agin. Happy writing


@SnowfakesElegance Hi. Although there is technically a Valeryon I in the story, this is a standalone book focusing on the story of just the protagonist mentioned in the synopsis. It might be a bit of a long wait for the book to be complete, since I'm expecting a bit of a long ride with this one. Thanks for reaching out.