
So I’m planning on posting a chapter before Wednesday (The day I go back to school) and then posting a new chapter each Sunday! But it might be delayed... I tried to write today about 10 times and each time around 5 minutes after I started my parents came to me with something to do. They never bothered me/ told me to do something when I wasn’t writing sooooo I may not get the chapter out if this continues so sorry if I don’t but I’m rerally trying!!! <3


I should also say that if I don’t get it out next Wednesday I will get it out the next Sunday (Not tomorrow)


So I’m planning on posting a chapter before Wednesday (The day I go back to school) and then posting a new chapter each Sunday! But it might be delayed... I tried to write today about 10 times and each time around 5 minutes after I started my parents came to me with something to do. They never bothered me/ told me to do something when I wasn’t writing sooooo I may not get the chapter out if this continues so sorry if I don’t but I’m rerally trying!!! <3


I should also say that if I don’t get it out next Wednesday I will get it out the next Sunday (Not tomorrow)


THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1K READS ON TRAPPED THIS MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!!! When I started writing this book I thought I would be lucky to get to 100 reads but 1K is literally AMAZING!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH AGAIN! I LOVE YOU ALL ❤️❤️❤️


          I’m starting my story back up again!!! I’ve been updating chapters so when I’m done updating them I’ll start posting new ones!! I’m so sorry for the long wait I really haven’t been taking care of myself physically and mentally but I hope you will forgive me!! I love you all and thank you for almost 1k reads!! It really means soooo much!!


Hi, I'm really sorry for taking a break but I should be back soon! I think I am going to be speedrunning this book because there are many other book ideas that I have that I really want to write but I first have to edit the first 10 chapters so I will be doing that but soon I'll be writing the new chapters! Thank you all so much for waiting!! Love Y'all!! <3


Hi we just got a new writer on this account! Introducing AUGUST!
          Hi I’m August and I’m Transgender (FTM) I’m only out to Ash, one of my other friends and you guys! I hope you guys like my writing, I’m hoping to peruse a career in writing or at least make it a hobby! Anyways hope you guys like me, I’ll try to be pretty active!! <3