
Cupid's Arrow: Adoration in the Cosmos is up and ready! I had a good time writing this piece. Maybe I'll make another...


I decided to cancel "On the Run. I lost interest in it, but created another writing. With the new Mass Effect Legendary Edition out, I felt the urge to create a story with that background. It's already finished and will be uploaded soon. I had fun writing this story. So rather it's good or bad, I had fun creating it. Futuristic stories tend to be hard for me to create, but I believe I managed. Any fellow gamers out there? Whose side are you on? Alliance or Cerberus?


I'm working on a story called, "On The Run". The first Chapter is up. It is a short chapter. Like I said before, if you play the Dragon Age series, some of the story may sound familiar. I'm not sure if it's consider a fan fiction, but it's something. I worked on the layout all day. I have a good web of ideas written out. I got a good feeling about this. I'm done for tonight. I will continue tomorrow.


It has been so long since I've been on here. I haven't written in so long. Time to change that. I've deleted some stories that I felt was not worth keeping. I hope to keep this going. I would love to get back into writing. I'm currently working on one now. I'm a fan of the Dragon Age series. Mainly the second one. So if you enjoy the game as well, you may find some things sound familiar.


I need to get back into writing. I miss it so much! Been difficult with work, but I'm finding time to enjoy the things I love. I'm working on a story called, ERASED. It's a story about today's world and the recent remarks about Transgender individuals. A little insight on what the world would be like if LGBTQ were to be erased. Also will talk about immigration. At the end of the day, we all should stand with LOVE, not HATE! Time to start writing!! :)