
Since it's been much too long since the last update, I'm here to let you know that a new chapter of With the Program is now live. Get ready to meet Kit, in Chapter 7, "Safe". 
          	Happy Friday!


An interesting observations I've had when sharing my work with others is that whether or not I enjoyed writing the chapter/scene seems to be irrelevant to reader enjoyment. 
          There are things I've breezed through, and scenes that felt like pulling teeth to write that still didn't seem any good to me when I shared them, and neither seem to produce a markedly more positive or negative reaction. Rather they elicit the same range of thoughtful helpful feedback from my beta readers.
          This has been encouraging to me as a writer. It means I don't have to wait until I'm 'feeling it' to write, and if I just work hard at telling the story the end result will satisfy both myself and my readers.


@Ashley_Whitt  that is well said. Write for yourself. You can't worry about what you can't control. If it's good, people will like it. i will check out your story as well.